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The Dumont Family Hybrid Kinship Pedigree

Over the course of my CSL placement with the Métis Research Lab, I researched the genealogical history of the family of Métis political...

HW #3: Academic Perspectives

Hi again! This is my 3rd CSL homework assignment. I kind of combined the first two prompts/questions together as they were very related...

Kinship Tree Update

Over the course of my CSL placement, I've been mapping out 3 generations of the family of Gabriel Dumont. I've decided to call it a...

HW #2: Professional Perspectives

Welcome to my second CSL homework assignment, where I discuss my professional perspectives on my work so far! This one is slightly...

HW #1: Personal Perspectives

Welcome to my first CSL homework assignment! This is where I communicate my responses to the specific guiding questions required for the...

A very brief history of Gabriel Dumont

On the "about this project" section of this site, I originally included a link to a very brief biography on Gabriel Dumont from the...

What is Métis? Who is Métis?

In Canada, Indigenous peoples are classified into 3 groups based on "distinct" culture: First Nations, Métis, and Inuit. I put "distinct"...

This project takes place on the unceded, unsurrendered territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe people.

Website cover image courtesy of Pexels.

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