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extra notes

I wanted to mention briefly why I chose to document my findings in the format of a blog. In my view, communicating very specific concepts (especially scientific ones) in a way that can be understood by the general public is so crucially important. As Marshall McLuhan once said, "the medium is the message." As such, my aim with this blog is to convey some amazing research on a topic I am so passionate about in a way that anyone can latch onto. I want to plant that spark in someone's head that compels them to learn more about the topics I present in my findings. But first, the message has to be understandable, clear, and easy to read. This blog allows me to express my ideas in an informal way that is available to the commons. I hope that whoever reads this will be inspired to further their own learning, and perhaps even question some of their own knowledge and beliefs.


In addition to actual work being done for this CSL placement, you may find some very informal posts that are related to the topics discussed in the project, but are not related to any of the research I am doing for the project itself. These posts may be more opinionated, and may be based on current events, personal experiences, or related reading I am doing in other classes.


I would also like to acknowledge that I am a non-Indigenous person living on unceded, unsurrendered Algonquin territory. In my efforts to be a good ally, I try to ensure my work and actions when learning about Indigenous cultures are respectful. I have learned that Indigenous peoples globally have a history of being over-researched (anthropologically and scientifically), and I will try my best to not be part of the problem. If my attempts to decolonize are in actuality harmful, I will absolutely take the time to learn why. My contact information is available in the footer of this site. Feel free to also contact me for any feedback.

This project takes place on the unceded, unsurrendered territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe people.

Website cover image courtesy of Pexels.

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