Over the course of my CSL placement, I've been mapping out 3 generations of the family of Gabriel Dumont. I've decided to call it a 'hybrid kinship tree' of sorts because it will combine both genetic and genealogical concepts. I actually came across the term "molecular genealogy" the other day while watching videos for Module 5 of the BIO2133 course, and I think this term most accurately depicts the field I'm studying.
The main genetic component I will focus on is mitochondrial inheritance, which follows maternal lines. I was inspired to depict this genetic concept after learning about traditional Indigenous societies being matrilineally organized. In contrast to a typical pedigree we would see in genetics, my hybrid tree will include all of the names of each family member (which I found by searching through a variety of sources throughout my CSL placement), so as to not simply reduce each person to merely their biological identity.
Here are some photos of the process of building the tree. I'll be sure to update again once it's finished!
